Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
  • The EWBF, in cooperation with the FAO, has implemented a project for sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems in the Kharga Oasis in the New Valley Governorate, in close cooperation with the Desert Research Center.
  • Scale-up of successful relevant land, water and agro-biodiversity management practices that help to maintain and enhance the flow of agro-ecosystem services in the Kharga Oasis region in 3 pilot sites
  • Establish a gene bank in the Kharga oasis, and strengthen the institutional, administrative and technical capacities of key stakeholder groups at the governorate level in order to support the mainstreaming of sustainable management of land, water and agro-biodiversity in investments
  • Carrying out practical training courses for farmers and workers in agricultural cooperatives and women’s associations on seed collection and processing
  • Seeds collection of 22 crop wild relatives and 28 native species
  • Establishment of a seed bank for the local community, where rooms are equipped for seed examination, cleaning and storage, pollution control materials, seed handling tools, containers and data management tools
  • EWBF
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)